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Beethoven: Inside Ludwig’s Head

Beethoven: Inside Ludwig’s Head
Sat 8PM
Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

House Programme  

With support from 






What makes a brilliant mind like Beethoven’s brain tick? Maestro Jung-Ho Pak takes a rare and fascinating look inside how this classical music giant thought through a series of versions of the same piece. With HKU Forensic Pathology expert Dr Philip Beh, he will explore modern theories about Beethoven’s health, and the ways it might have affected his composing. The evening concludes with Beethoven’s most joyous and frolicsome symphony, the eighth.



BEETHOVENLeonore Overture no. 1 (selection)

BEETHOVENLeonore Overture no. 2 (selection)

BEETHOVENLeonore Overture no. 3 (selection)

BEETHOVENFidelio Overture

BEETHOVENSymphony no. 8




