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Yuja Wang Triptych 1- Mozart A Celebration of the 18th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR


Yuja Wang Triptych 1- Mozart A Celebration of the 18th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR

12 & 13-6-2015
Fri & Sat 8PM
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall

For ages 6 and above


House Programme  

Venue Information

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Available at URBTIX from

Ticket enquiries 3761 6661


MOZARTPiano Concerto no. 9, Jeunehomme
BEETHOVEN Symphony no. 3, Eroica


Yuja Wang begins her triptych with the light-hearted Classical concerto of Mozart, the Jeunehomme. The concert continues with Beethoven’s third symphony, the legendary ‘Eroica’, in the hands of Jaap van Zweden. Originally composed with Napoleon in mind as a dedicatee, the symphony’s title page was scratched out by a furious Beethoven when his beloved Vienna was besieged by the French emperor. But the symphony then became a celebration of the ‘Heroic’ nature of all humanity.


*Change of Programmme

*Programme and artists are subject to change without notice or refund





Other Activities

Free Pre-concert Talk


12-6-2015 Fri 7:15pm-7:45pm
13-6-2015 Sat 7:15pm-7:45pm



AC2, 4/F, Administration Building, HK Cultural Centre


4/F Foyer, Auditoria Building, HK Cultural Centre


Fri (English)
Mr. Jerome Hoberman
Music Director
The Hong Kong Bach Choir & Orchestra

Sat (Cantonese)
Mr. Li Chi-man
Music Educator


  • Full-time students, citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities & CSSA recipients: 50% off (with quota, this discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers)
  • Club Bravo members: 15% off
  • Young Audience Scheme members: 55% off, accompanying adults – 10% off (max. 2 tickets per discount category)
  • HKU, CUHK, CityU, HKUST, HKBU, PolyU & LU students: 55% off (max. 2 tickets)
  • Staff of Swire Group: 15% off
  • Chung Ying “Energy Fun Club plus” members, CCDC Dance Generation member, Friends of The Hong Kong Ballet, and HKRep Pals: 10% off (max. 2 tickets)
  • Group Booking (standard tickets only): 10% off 10-19 tickets
  • 20% off 20+ tickets
  • No eating or drinking
  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work
  • Latecomers may not be admitted

    Stalls A1/2/56/57, B1-4/57-60, C1-5/58-62, D1-3/59-61, AA1-12/89-100, BB1-13/89-101, CC89/90 & HH27