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The Soldier and the Nightingale (Mixed Ensemble)


The Soldier and the Nightingale (Mixed Ensemble)

Concert Cancellation

Concert Cancellation

21 SEP 2020 (Mon) 7:30pm
JC Cube, Tai Kwun

For aged 6 and above

Venue Information

Get Direction  


Available at URBTIX from 14 JUL 2020

Ticketing enquiries (URBTIX): 3761 6661
Programme enquiries: 2721 2332


Concert Cancellation 

To help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19, in consultation with Tai Kwun, the advertised performance of "HK Phil × Tai Kwun: Chamber Music Series: The Soldier and the Nightingale" at Tai Kwun JC Cube on 21 September 2020 [original: 23 Mar 2020 / 28 Sep 2020], has been cancelled.
For ticket holders to the cancelled performance, please submit your preferred ticket arrangement on or before 23 October 2020. Below are the options for relevant ticket arrangement:

(1) Donate your Ticket(s) to support the HK Phil "Ambassador Fund"

DONATE your ticket(s) to the HK Phil's brand new "Ambassador Fund" to help the orchestra, being Hong Kong's cultural ambassador, share music in multiple ways beyond borders. The HK Phil believes passionately in the power of music to spread positivity. At this critical moment in all our lives, your donations will support our online performances and activities, and allow our world-class music-making to be heard without limits. Please help to give the gift of music to many more people and support the orchestra in representing our city, Hong Kong, with pride!


Please CLICK HERE to donate your ticket


(2) Bank Transfer Refund


Apply for a FULL refund of the face value of the ticket(s) by BANK TRANSFER. This option is only applicable for patrons with local bank savings or current accounts. Debit/credit card accounts and time deposit accounts are NOT accepted. 


Please CLICK HERE to start your refund process

For enquiries, please contact the HK Phil Ticketing Office from Monday to Friday (10:00-12:30, 14:00-18:00), excluding Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays, at 2721 0132 / 2721 2332 (call); or (email); or at 5628 7595 (WhatsApp ONLY).


Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (28 August 2020)



BROWN4 Systems
STRAVINSKYL’Histoire du soldat
Theo LOEVENDIE The Nightingale for Narrator & Seven Instruments


HK Phil x Tai Kwun: Chamber Music Series 2020


Following the success of the newly launched “HK Phil x Tai Kwun: Chamber Music Series” in 2019, the HK Phil continues with a series of six fantastic chamber music concerts presenting renowned pianist Warren Lee, Tai Kwun Director Timothy Calnin and nearly 30 HK Phil musicians. The repertoire ranges from the 19th century Classical period to the contemporary era, featuring ensembles that comprise strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion in various combinations, as well as works with piano. As 2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, two programmes pay homage to this great composer and include such pieces as the monumental Grosse Fuge and his intimate Moonlight sonata.





  • Ticket | $200 (Adult)
  • $150 (Full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 and above, and people with disabilities and their minders
  • No eating or drinking
  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work