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Summer Nights in the Americas (Woodwind Quintet)


Summer Nights in the Americas (Woodwind Quintet)

Change of Concert Date

Change of Concert Date

26 APR 2021 (Mon) 7:30pm
JC Cube, Tai Kwun

For ages 6 and above

Venue Information

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Available at URBTIX from 14 JUL 2020

Ticketing enquiries (URBTIX): 3761 6661
Programme enquiries: 2721 2332


Change of Concert date

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the advertised performance, “HK Phil × Tai Kwun Chamber Music Series: Summer Nights in the Americas” at Tai Kwun JC Cube on 26 Apr 2021 (Mon) [original: 29 June 2020 (Mon) 7:30pm], has been rescheduled to 24 May 2021 (Mon) at the same venue.


Please CLICK HERE for the details.
Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (Updated on 16 Apr 2021 15:30)



Paquito D'RIVERA Aires Tropicales 
Eric EWAZEN Roaring Fork Quintet
BARBERSummer Music



This concert takes us to the two continents that make the Americas. The infectious dance rhythms of the first work is characterised by the joy and energy of cultures that know how to enjoy themselves. The second half of the programme evokes the natural landscapes and changing seasons of North America.


Change of Programme & Artist

The advertised programme of “HK Phil × Tai Kwun Chamber Music Series: Summer Nights in the Amercias” at Tai Kwun JC Cube on 26 Apr 2021 (Mon) 7:30pm [original: 29 June 2020 (Mon) 7:30pm] has been adjusted and listed as above. Hornist Russell Bonifede is replaced by Jorge Medina. Other details remain unchanged.


Ticket-holders may continue to use their tickets for admission to the updated performance. 


Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (Updated on 30 March 2021)





  • Ticket | $200 (Adult)
  • $150 (25% off for full-time students, citizens aged 60 and above, people with disabilities and their minder, CSSA recipients)*
    * with quota, this discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers

I. House Rules:

  • No eating or drinking
  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work


II. Admission Details:

  • All audiences are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code or register their name, contact number and the date and time of the visit before entering the venue
  • Masks must be worn throughout the venue and the concert hall
  • Temperature check is arranged at designated entrances
  • Use the disinfectant dispensers
  • Always keep social distancing
  • Your seat may be adjusted to meet the requirements of preventive measures.
  • Persons with symptoms of illness and people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients within the last 14 days may not attend the performance