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Beethoven Festival: JAAP | Beethoven 7 & 8

Beethoven Festival

Beethoven Festival: JAAP | Beethoven 7 & 8

Concert Cancellation

Concert Cancellation

23 OCT 2020 (Fri) 8:00pm
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall

For aged 6 and above

Venue Information

Get Direction  


Ticketing enquiries (URBTIX): 3761 6661
Programme enquiries: 2721 2332


Concert Cancellation

Subsequent to the COVID-19 incident of the HK Phil, the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall is temporarily closed until 24 October for disinfection.  As a safety measure, the HK Phil has cancelled the advertised performances of "Beethoven Festival: JAAP | Beethoven 7 & 8" at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall on 23 October 2020, 8pm.


Cash refund will be available at the box office of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre from 26 November 2020 (Thu) to 20 January 2021 (Wed). Details please CLICK HERE.


Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (Updated on 17 November 2020)



BEETHOVENSymphony no. 8
BEETHOVENSymphony no. 7


Music Director Jaap van Zweden invites you to embark on an extraordinary journey of four Beethoven symphonies on two nights! From the lyric Second Symphony to the timeless Fifth (24 October), the exuberant Seventh and the sunny Eighth (23 October), you will hear how Beethoven’s creative genius expanded the possibilities of the symphonic form.




There is no intermission during concert.





  • Discounts are not available for this concert

I. House Rules:

  • No eating or drinking
  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work


II. Admission Details:

  • Masks must be worn throughout the venue and the concert hall
  • Temperature check is arranged at designated entrances
  • Please come within 15 minutes of the admission time
  • Use the disinfectant dispensers
  • Always keep social distancing
  • Your seat may be adjusted to meet the requirements of preventive measures.
  • Persons with symptoms of illness and people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients within the last 14 days may not attend the performance

Stalls A1-2/56-57, B1-4/57-60, C1-5/58-62, D1-3/59-61, AA1-12/89-100, BB1-13/89-101, CC89-90 & HH27
