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70 Years of Polish Animation


70 Years of Polish Animation

16 MAR 2018
Fri 8pm
Grand Hall,
Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre,
Centennial Campus,
The University of Hong Kong

For ages 6 and above

House Programme  

Venue Information

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Free Admission by pre-registration

Ticket enquiries 3761 6661


GÓRECKIThree Pieces in Old Style
PANUFNIKSinfonia Elegiaca (Symphony no. 2) (Asia premiere)
Krzysztof PENDERECKICello Concerto no. 1 (Asia premiere)


In collaboration with the Hong Kong International Film Festival, we are taking an exceptional journey through Polish animation and music under the baton of Polish conductor Sebastian Perłowski. Surviving wars and decades of political turbulence, Polish composers and animators have striven to express themselves and respond to society through their works, making Polish animation and its music one of the country’s shining gems on the international stage. Mariusz Wilczyński, an established Polish film-animator, will project his live drawing to the music.





  • No eating or drinking
  • No photography, recording or filming
  • Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
  • Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
  • Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work
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