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Taavi Oramo

Taavi Oramo enjoys a growing reputation for his forward-thinking approach to music-making. Artist-in-Residence with Tapiola Sinfonietta in 2019/20 and Artistic Director of VocalEspoo from 2020, he specialises in cultivating programmes that have an innate dramatic or thematic structure, and is equally at home in mainstream repertoire as he is in conducting cutting-edge, contemporary works.


Recent conducting engagements include the Finnish Radio Symphony, Helsinki Philharmonic, Orchestra of the Finnish National Opera, Tampere Philharmonic, Turku Philharmonic, and Norrköping Symphony and Oulu Symphony orchestras; Oramo has also appeared with the Munich Chamber Orchestra, BIT20 Ensemble Bergen, Lemanic Modern Ensemble and Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, among others. In 2021/22 debut engagements include the Latvian National Symphony and Transylvanian State Philharmonic orchestras, Orchestra of the Opéra de Rouen (concert tour), Orchestra of the Royal Swedish Opera, Dala Sinfonietta and Avanti! Chamber Orchestra, while among his return appearances are the Tapiola Sinfonietta (presenting Finnish singer-songwriter Yona’s new album Uni johon herään, on whose Johanna-label recording Oramo also conducts), Finnish Chamber Opera, Finnish Baroque Orchestra (together with Suomen Laulu for a performance of Handel’s Messiah) and the Joensuu City Orchestra.


Oramo is an accomplished tenor, and the double role of conducting-singing is an important feature of his programming; Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Kymi Sinfonietta, Joensuu City Orchestra) and Heta Aho’s Three Songs to Poems by Edith Södergran (world orchestral premiere, Pori Sinfonietta) are among recent performances. 


