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Ah Tsui 

Ahtsui is a stage actor, an illustrator, designer and all-in-one creator. He started performing in 1997 and has participated in more than 300 stage performances over the past 20 years. The latest performances include Yes, I do…?!, Table for Two and Those were the Days. They all received positive feedback and proved popular. The Sing-a-long music theatre series, which featured Charlene Choi, Mag Lam and Danny So Yiu Chung, has re-run again and again. He also participated in the Shall we Ha series (annual retrospective comedies) that has been running for 10 consecutive years and more than 200 performances.


His other performance-related projects include the monologue One Wood Mood (playwright, director, actor and illustrator); the stand-up comedy I am not funny; Alice in WakeUpLand (concept image for the stage performance and exhibition) and Dear Victoria (story concept). He also host the family concerts organised by The Hong Kong Symphonic Winds. In 2017 he participated in a micro-movie project of Creation + Works as co-creator, director and actor. Ahtsui also served as the master of ceremonies of various events and participated in numerous TV and film productions.
In recent years he has also been invited to be the ambassador of “Mental Health Month”, attend various events and share his personal experiences on his career as an actor, creator and illustrator.


