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Professor Matthew Evans

Professor Matthew Evans
Matthew Evans is Dean of Science and Professor of Ecology at The University of Hong Kong. As Dean of Science he has developed a wide interest in all aspects of this outstanding human endeavour. Within the Faculty subjects range from quantum physics to marine biology, from organic chemistry to plate tectonics.

His personal research is in understanding how the natural world will respond to environmental changes. Currently he is working on questions like what will forest look like, what trees will grow in them, and what animals and plants will be found around us as climate change has ever greater effects? Similar questions can be asked that apply to ourselves, what crops will flourish, what diseases might affect us, and our domestic animals and plants? To answer these questions, he brings together field work and large-scale computer programming.

Matthew has been at The University of Hong Kong since 2016, he was previously at Queen Mary University of London and Exeter University. He was an undergraduate at Bristol University and received his PhD from the University of Cambridge.


