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NCPA Chorus

NCPA Chorus was established on December 8, 2009, whose members were carefully selected from famous music schools in and out of China. Now the Chorus has Wu Lingfen as the conductor, with many artists well-known in China and abroad giving instructions. Affiliated to NCPA, the highest palace of performing arts in China, the Chorus adheres to NCPA’s guiding principles of “for the people, for the arts, and for the world”. The Chorus mainly stages operas and concerts, and also takes part in different kinds of cultural communication events.


The Chorus presented its debut performance in NCPA Opera Festival 2010, and has taken part in and gained critical acclaim from the performances of NCPA's Xi Shi, Carmen,La Traviata, Lelisir damore, Turandot, AVillage Teacher, Tosca, Die Fledermaus, and The Chinese Orphan. As NCPA’s resident chorus, it took part in Turandot (NCPA version) on the tour to Seoul Arts Center in January 2011 and gained high praise.


The Chorus has offered a great number of performances including Road to Revive,To the Music (debut), Roam About the Classics, "To Our Motherland-- NCPA Chorus Concert for the Army Day", Arias of Love, Beethoven’s ninth symphony, and Mahler’s second symphony.


The Chorus has cooperated with top artists like directors Francesca Zambello and Giancarlo del Monaco; conductors Lorin Maazel, Lu Jia, and Li Xincao; singers Inva Mula, Juan Pons, Brandon Jovanovich, Dai Yuqiang, Warren Mok, Zhang Yalun, Zhang Liping, Sun Xiuwei, and Liang Ning. Its overone-hundred performances a year have taken
an active role in the further development of NCPA.


