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HK Phil's The Metaverse Symphony: Third Movement Sound File Submission

The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra (HK Phil) cordially invites you to play a part in its upcoming world premiere of The Metaverse Symphony in May 2023. The third movement, "The Internet of Things!", will be a community-driven work featuring the HK Phil performing alongside bite-sized sound recordings submitted from members of the community.


You are invited to submit a sound recording of your day-to-day encounters, such as your pet's greeting, your uncle's recitation of mahjong tactics, or even your toddler banging on kitchenware. The recording must not contain loud background noises and must not exceed 5 seconds. You may record with any recording device, ranging from your smartphone to your Shure SM7B.


To participate in this movement, please fill in the form below and upload your sound file by 10 FEB 2023. Composer Elliot Leung will screen the submissions and compose the movement with the selected recordings.



Important note

* Please mark your sound attachment name: MSMVT3submission_<your name>, e.g. MSMVT3submission_chantaiman

** Sound attachment formats: .m4a, .mp3 or .wav 


*** Please note that not all submitted recordings are guaranteed to be used in the final work.