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Jockey Club Keys to Music Education Programme 2021/22 Instrumental Masterclasses

Jockey Club Keys to Music Education Programme 2021/22 Instrumental Masterclasses
21, 28 MAY 2022
09:30-11:00, 11:30-13:00

8 JUNE 2022

Exclusive Sponsor

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust




The Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra is now calling for young musicians to join the Instrumental Masterclass under our flagship education programme – Jockey Club Keys to Music Education Programme.

Want some guidance and insight to improve your playing? Don't hesitate and attend our masterclass!


Applicants can perform repertoire of their own choice, will be selected and guided by the HK Phil musicians’ commentary and demonstration in the one-and-a-half hour sessions. The masterclasses will be conducted in English with some Cantonese interpretation.


1. Oboe 21 MAY 2022 (SAT)

Michael Wilson, Principal Oboe



2. Trumpet 21 MAY 2022 (SAT)

Christopher Moyse, Co-Principal Trumpet



3. Cello 28 MAY 2022 (SAT)

Dora Lam, Assitant Principal Cello



4. Violin 28 MAY 2022 (SAT)

Anders Hui, Second Associate Concertmaster



5. Percussion 8 JUNE 2022 (WED)

Sophia Woo Shuk-Fai, Percussionist



Demonstrating Students Application Deadline: 12, 19, 30 MAY 2022


Observers Application Deadline: 17, 24 MAY, 1 JUNE 2022


Apply Now - Demonstrating Student


Apply Now - Observer



