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The Planets


The Planets

Fri & Sat 8PM
Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall

For ages 6 and above


House Programme  

Venue Information

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Ticket enquiries 3761 6661


NIELSENHelios OvertureListen
HOLSTThe Planets Suite *Performance with imagesListen



Holst wrote his epic suite to depict the diverse characters of the planets in our night sky, and for such a monumental project he employs an enormous orchestra. In these final performances of our season, we’ll be projecting high resolution images of each planet while the orchestra plays. In collaboration with the Hong Kong Space Museum, there will be other stargazing activities in Tsimshatsui for this concert – cloud cover permitting!






Other Activities

Free Pre-concert Talk


Time:5/7 Fri 7:15pm - 7:45pm (English)
6/7 Sat 7:15pm - 7:45pm (Cantonese)
Venue:AC2, 4/F, Administration Building, HK Cultural Centre
Speaker:Fri (English)
Ms. Synthia Ko
Music Director and Chief Conductor, Guangxi Symphony Orchestra
Sat (Cantonese)
Ms. Synthia Ko
Music Director and Chief Conductor, Guangxi Symphony Orchestra



  • Club Bravo: 15% off
  • Members of Young Audience Scheme: 55% off (Max. 2 tickets), 10% off for accompanying adults (Max. 2 tickets)
  • Full-time Students, Citizens aged 60 or above, People with Disability and CSSA recipients: 50% off (With Quota, this discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers)
  • Group discount: 10-19: 10% off, 20 or above: 20% off
  • Staff of Swire Group: 15% off
  • Members of 10% off
  • Students of HK Polytechnic University, City University of HK, Lingnan University, Chinese University, HK Baptist University, University of HK and HK University of Science & Technology: 55% off (Max. 2 tickets)
  • Friends of Hong Kong Ballet, CCDC Dance Generation Premium Member, HK Rep Pals and CY Buddies: 10% off (Max. 2 tickets)

Please switch off your mobile phone and any other beeping device before the concert.
Except with permission from the management, record, filming and photography are not allowed.
If the music contains more than one movement, kindly reserve your applause until the end of the entire work.
Latecomers are not admitted until a suitable break.
