Season Opening: Beethoven Festival: LIO KUOKMAN │Beethoven Triple Concerto
Beethoven Festival

Don’t miss out to watch the full length of HK Phil "Season Opening: Beethoven Festival: LIO KUOKMAN │Beethoven Triple Concerto" livestream concert on the HK Phil’s website, Facebook and YouTube channels.
“From note to hope; In music we rejoice”
Welcome our dear audience to our greatly missed home – Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall! After all these challenging months, we are especially excited to raise the curtain of our 2020/21 season with renowned conductor Lio Kuokman.
Also an acclaimed concert pianist, Lio will play and conduct Beethoven’s Triple Concerto, joined by HK Phil Concertmaster Jing Wang and Principal Cello Richard Bamping, to celebrate the composer’s 250th birthday and the joy of collective music-making.
Lio will also conduct Thanksgiving to Joe-Kwan, the Kitchen God by Doming Lam, “Father of Hong Kong Modern Music”. The programme concludes with Richard Strauss’ colourful Der Rosenkavalier Suite and kicks off with Copland’s Fanfare for the Common Man, which Lio and the HK Phil dedicate to each and every one of the healthcare professionals who have tirelessly combatted COVID-19 in Hong Kong.
This is the first programme of our Beethoven Festival. To honour the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, all Beethoven Festival seats are available at a uniform price of $250. Let us rejoice with Beethoven!
The concert on 10th October 2020 is broadcast live on RTHK Radio 4 (FM Stereo 97.6-98.9 MHz and and with a repeat on 15th October 2020 (Thu) at 2 pm.
Supported by Live Streaming Technology Partner TFI, the concert on 10 October 2020 will be live broadcast on the HK Phil’s website, Facebook and YouTube channels. Stay tuned for the updates!
- Discounts are not available for this concert
I. House Rules:
- No eating or drinking
- No photography, recording or filming
- Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
- Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
- Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work
II. Admission Details:
- Masks must be worn throughout the venue and the concert hall
- Temperature check is arranged at designated entrances
- Please come within 15 minutes of the admission time
- Use the disinfectant dispensers
- Always keep social distancing
- Your seat may be adjusted to meet the requirements of preventive measures.
- Persons with symptoms of illness and people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients within the last 14 days may not attend the performance
Stalls A1-2/56-57, B1-4/57-60, C1-5/58-62, D1-3/59-61, AA1-12/89-100, BB1-13/89-101, CC89-90 & HH27