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Philip Chu

Born in Hong Kong, Philip Chu completed a Master’s degree in conducting at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, under the tutelage of Imre Pallo. He has worked with ensembles such as The Metropolitan Opera, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Queensland Symphony Orchestra, HK Phil, Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Macau Symphony Orchestra, Cantillation, Pinchgut Opera, Sydney Philharmonic Choirs amongst others. As a chorus master, he has prepared choirs for conductors such as Lorin Maazel, Jaap van Zweden, Charles Dutoit, Gianluigi Gelmetti amongst others. He is currently Chorus Master for Hong Kong Philharmonic Chorus.

Apart from classical recordings for ABC Classics, Philip is also very active in recording music for video games and anime. Recent recordings have included Echoes of War with Eminence Symphony Orchestra in association with Blizzards Entertainment for international release, soundtracks of Final Fantasy Type-0, Diablo III, Soulcalibar IV & V, and the Japanese anime Disappearance of Suzumiya Haruhi.


