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Eton College Chapel Choir

Eton College Chapel Choir
Eton College is an all-boys boarding school founded in 1440 by King Henry VI in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the same time he founded its sister college, King’s College Cambridge, and gave each its chapel in magnificent Perpendicular style. The Foundation of Eton College provided 10 men and 16 boys to sing the services, and, with a few breaks, the choir has been singing in Eton College Chapel from then until the present day.

Although singing for services in the College Chapel remains the choir’s principal duty, increasingly the choir can be heard further afield. Each year the choir embarks on an international tour, with recent destinations including South Africa, China, USA, Japan and India. In March 2016 the choir visited Leipzig, where they sang for Holy Week services in the Thomaskirche and Nikolaikirche. The choir has recently returned from Latvia, where they gave five concerts in and around Riga.

As well as concerts abroad, the choir performs regularly in the UK, with recent concert venues including St George’s Chapel Windsor, St John’s Smith Square and the Royal Festival Hall. The choir has performed with leading orchestras such as the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia and the Academy of Ancient Music, as well as smaller instrumental groups such as the viol consort, Fretwork.


