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Caroline Wilson CMG

Caroline Wilson CMG
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Caroline has served as British Consul General to Hong Kong and Macao since October 2012.
She qualified as a Barrister before joining the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) in 1995. A speaker of Russian, as well as Chinese (Mandarin and a slowly increasing amount of Cantonese), she worked on Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia before full time Mandarin study and her first posting to Beijing in 1997.

Her portfolio included Hong Kong post the 1997 handover, and human rights. In 2001 Caroline served in Brussels as First Secretary in the UK’s Permanent Representation to the European Union, drawing on her Master’s degree in European Community law to advise on UK negotiating tactics in European summits. From 2004-2006 Caroline was Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary, where she worked on a wide range of foreign policy issues. She then moved on secondment to the Cabinet Office where as a Deputy Director she coordinated Whitehall policy on EU issues.

Caroline’s job prior to Hong Kong was Moscow, where as Minister Counsellor and Director of UK Trade and Investment Russia she led on commercial, economic, energy, science and climate issues.

Caroline is a member of the FCO global Management Board, where she represents the views of FCO posts overseas.


