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Becky Lee

Becky Lee, a graduate of the HK Baptist University Faculty of Music (vocal performance), has had an extensive stage performance career and has won numerous awards. Her debut performance of “Think of Me” on《星夢傳奇》TVB Jade marked a smashing success. She successfully staged “A Dream Come True” concert with Hong Kong Pops Orchestra in January 2014 marking another significant milestone to in her music career. In September 2017, during her Canada tour of the musical《愛•寛恕》, as the female lead, Becky launched her debut EP《只想緊緊抱住你》and received astounding support from media and audiences. This support continued in her “Testimonial Music Tour” at various U.S. cities in 2018 followed by the launch of her EP at the Hong Kong Book Fair 2018, further propelling the development of Becky’s music career.


Becky has participated in numerous Television Drama Shows including 「律政強人」「迷」「巨輪」「C9特工」「天眼」「潮流教主」「誰家灶頭無煙火」and was nominated Best Supporting Actress at the TVB Anniversary Award for her role in 「忠奸人」, a significant recognition in her acting career.


In 2017, Becky flew to Perth, Australia, for the filming of her lead actress role in 「清水變酒」, a movie inspired by the real-life events of the challenges faced by a family raising a child with autism. Throughout the movie’s promotional tour and her performances of the movie’s theme song「蛻變」,Becky demonstrated her support towards families in need and has touched countless lives. The movie’s songs were broadcast across major media platforms and Becky hopes to continue sharing blessings and caring for the community. And this year, she partnered with renowned artist 陳友 in a movie 「等一個擁抱」as lead actress and the movie theme song 「記憶的碎片」will both be released in the first quarter of 2021.


Becky has recorded a number of movie theme songs including「後備甜心」&「偷吻」and has performed voice over for advertisements of international brands such as Coca Cola, Sony, and McDonald’s. In her career as emcee, Becky has been well received by clients across various business sectors and has worked on numerous major variety shows, awards ceremonies and government events.


In addition, Becky is extremely keen on giving back to the community, participating in various types of evangelistic sharing, volunteering and charity activities. Recent among these was her visit to mainland mountain areas with Silver Lining Foundation 《雲彩行動》to support orphans & children with cerebral palsy and recorded the Mandarin theme song 《寶貝兒,我們就在這裏》.


Becky deeply believes God has given each of us a talent so she is committed to sharing her joy of music through her music studio「Sing Your Heart Out」; working with anyone who wants to discover and develop their musical talents so that they may learn to enjoy music from their hearts and make their dreams come true!


