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Austin Yip

Born in Hong Kong, Austin Yip’s works have been performed worldwide. Places like the United States, Argentina, Scotland, Italy, Slovenia, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Macau and Australia have seen traces of his performance records. His musical creations are very diverse, ranging from orchestral piece to electroacoustic works, from Western orchestral to folk instruments. All the above shows his knowledge and creativity upon different styles of music.


Yip has participated in numerous music festivals, in which he has worked closely with many world-renowned performers and ensembles. Festivals he participated include the Singapore Saxophone Symposium, ACL-Singapore, Sguardi Sonori (Italy), World Saxophone Congress (Scotland), Intimacy of Creativity, Hong Kong Arts Festival, HellHOT! New Music Festival, ISCM-Sydney, ACL-Tokyo, WOCMAT (Taiwan), Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival, Shanghai Conservatory of Music New Music Week, Asian Art & Cultural Workshop (Korea), Asia Culture Forum (Korea), Hong Kong Asian Film Festival etc. Yip has received commissions from the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra, Citywinds Ensemble, Hong Kong Wind Philharmonia, HellHOT! New Music Festival and more.


Yip received his PhD and Master of Philosophy degrees at the University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Joshua Chan with the support from the University Postgraduate Fellowship and University Postgraduate Studentship. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree from the University of California, Berkeley with a “high distinction in general scholarship”, and a FTCL in composition. Yip is the holder of James Kitagawa Memorial Music Scholarship, Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship, Henry Holbrook Scholarship, James King Scholarship, Eisner Prize, Milton C. Witzel Memorial Prize, Rayson Huang Scholarship and CASH Best Commissioned Piece Award.


Yip’s works are published by ABRSM (UK), BabelScores (France), Ablaze Records (US) and Hong Kong Composers Guild. He has taught at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong Institute of Education. As a music critic, his writings have been published on Hong Kong Economic Times, Ta Kung Po and IATC. He is currently a lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University.


