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Alex Fung
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Alex Fung’s music is a journey that is not only seen by the eyes, open your heart to feel.  He is more than what you can perceive.

Born and bred in Hong Kong in the post 80’s, the love for this city has nurtured Fung into what Hong Kong is all about. At the age of 3, Fung started to learn organ and piano. As a classically trained pianist, he acquired the LRSM performance diploma from Royal School of Music at 14, and his talent is best exemplified in his daringness to explore. Fung’s gift in sonic excellence and sound design was also recognized by MIX magazine and rewarded him the 2001 TEC award in modular sound design during his study in Boston.

Fung’s composition career was laid in strong foundation from his music and production training in Berklee College of Music, graduated in the major of Music Production and Engineering.  Bathed in the influences of many music genres, his top favorites being Acid Jazz, alt rock bands like Radiohead, Portishead, Sigur Ros as well as the Impressionist composer Debussy, romantic pianist Rachmaninoff and many more.

Fung’s gift in music was first shared with the world through an album he produced for Andy Hui in 2002 after graduated in the major of Music Production and Engineering  in Berklee College of Music. Since then he has been recognized in multiple roles as composer, arranger and producer, producing over 400 songs with countless chart-topping hits and was nominated and won numerous arranger and producer awards in the past decade.

For Fung, it is art that leads his way. Navigating the beauty of the senses through his ears and fingers, Fung is like a refined artisan that meticulously crafts and translates his heart into musical notes and rhythms.  Life inspires, for what is within has already inspired and is beautifully reflected in artistic forms such as music, words, poetry, painting, architecture, even a calligraphy stroke, a smile, a feeling. And hence, Alex released his debut solo album, Chapters in 2013, featuring brilliant vocalists such as Eason Chan, and many other international musicians and artists. Composing music pieces based upon traditional Chinese poems, Fung explored numerous music styles from drum n’ bass to folk, from chamber music to minimal techno on Chapters , which was well recognized in the industry earned the Apple iTunes editorial’s Album of the Year in 2013.

Fung’s musical horizon continues to expand, and he is determined to play, without rules. 


