







《留聲機》「年度管弦樂團大獎」旨在表揚國際上音樂藝術成就卓越,並在過去一年發行重要專輯的樂團。港 樂憑藉由拿索斯唱片現場錄製的華格納《指環》整套聯篇歌劇專輯而得勝。

《留聲機》雜誌總編輯曹占士認為,2019年年度樂團大獎得主──香港管弦樂團,完美地示範了音樂總監如何啟發樂團竭盡所能,達致高峰。「由梵志登指揮、拿索斯現場灌錄的《 指環》四部曲,成就驕人,致令全球眾多樂迷投票給這支出色的亞洲樂團。《留聲機》認為港樂奏此凱歌,的確實至名歸。」

梵志登表示︰「港樂能夠成為亞洲首個獲此榮譽的樂團,締造了歷史,我們引以自豪。」港樂行政總裁霍品達(Benedikt Fohr)認為這成就「充分證明了港樂是真正世界一流的管弦樂團。」他補充說:「我為港樂整個團隊包括音樂總監梵志登、每位樂師和行政人員、出色的歌唱家、拿索斯及其製作團隊感到驕傲,我們以無比的熱忱和超卓的藝術造詣完成此龐大製作。」港樂在此特別感謝香港特別行政區政府民政事務局透過「具競逐元素的資助試驗計劃」資助《指環》四部曲。




The Ring Cycle Boxset












16 October 2019


Orchestra of the Year

An article about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Gramophone Orchestra of the Year 2019. Music Director Jaap van Zweden and the orchestra’s Ring Cycle performances are mentioned in the article.


16 October 2019


Hong Kong's orchestra wins people vote at Gramophone Awards

Arts news on the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. It reported that the HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year at the ceremony. Orchestra of the Year is the only award open for public vote. It also mentioned that the HK Phil is the first Asian orchestra to win the award. Music Director Jaap van Zweden, the orchestra, the orchestra’s Ring Cycle recordings and other award winners are mentioned in the article.


16 October 2019

de Volkskrant

Jaap van Zweden wint prijs voor beste orkest met het Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

Arts news on the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Gramophone Orchestra of the Year 2019. It mentioned that the HK Phil is the first Asian orchestra to win the award. Music Director Jaap van Zweden was quoted in the article. Also, the orchestra’s history and the orchestra’s Ring Cycle performances are included in the article.


17 October 2019

BBC Radio 3

Breakfast – Broadcast

A radio programme mentioned about the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. It reported that the HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year, and mentioned that the Orchestra of the Year is the only award open for public vote.


17 October 2019


Gramophone Awards 2019: final winners, behind-the-scenes exclusives, and more!

Arts news on the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. It reported that the HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year at the ceremony by public vote.


17 October 2019

Classical Music

Hong Kong Philharmonic voted Gramophone’s Orchestra of the Year

Arts news on the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. It reported that the HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year at the ceremony by public vote.


17 October 2019

RTHK Arts News

Arts News 藝壇快訊

Interview with Meggy Cheng, Director of Marketing of the HK Phil, on the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Gramophone Orchestra of the Year 2019. The orchestra’s Ring Cycle performances and recordings is mentioned.


17 October 2019

South China Morning Post

HK Phil named 2019 Orchestra of the Year by Gramophone magazine; Jaap van Zweden, music director, hails history makers

Arts news on the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. It reported that the HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year at the ceremony. It also mentioned that the HK Phil is the first Asian orchestra to win the award. Music Director Jaap van Zweden, HK Phil’s Chief Executive Benedikt Fohr, Gramophone Editor-in-Chief, were quoted in the article. Also, the orchestra, the orchestra’s Ring Cycle recordings, the orchestra’s touring plan in 2021 and 2022, and other award winners are mentioned in the article.


17 October 2019

South China Morning Post

Milestones on HK Phil’s journey to 2019 Orchestra of the Year – playing with Itzhak Perlman, Swire Group’s patronage, Jaap van Zweden taking over the baton

Article about the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Gramophone Orchestra of the Year 2019. Some important milestones of the orchestra are listed in the article.


17 October 2019



Arts news on the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra’s Gramophone Orchestra of the Year 2019. It mentioned that the HK Phil is the first Asian orchestra to win the award. Music Director Jaap van Zweden, the orchestra, the orchestra’s Ring Cycle recordings are mentioned in the article. James Jolly, Editor-in-Chief of Gramophone was quoted.


17 October 2019

Ganlan Classical Music

留声机大奖揭晓 | 王羽佳、香港管弦乐团拿奖

Arts news on the 2019 Gramophone Classical Music Awards. The HK Phil was named Orchestra of the Year at the ceremony. Music Director Jaap van Zweden, the orchestra’s Ring Cycle recordings and other award winners are mentioned in the article.