Pierrick Boisseau

Pierrick Boisseau graduated from the Royal College of Music and the London Royal Schools Opera. Since then, he has been performing as an Opera singer as well as a concert artist in venues such as Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Vienna Konzerthaus, Paris Salle Pleyel, Paris Opera Comique, the National Opera in Lyon, the Royal Opera in Versailles, the London Handel Festival, the Bachfest Leipzig, the Gulbekian Foundation in Lisbon, Zürich Tonhalle.

He works with internationally acclaimed conductors : Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Peter Schreier, Alberto Zedda, Thomas Hengelbrock, David Stern, Philip Pickett, Christophe Rousset, and with well known ensemble and orchestras : Balthazar Neumann Ensemble, Opera Fuoco, les Talens Lyriques, Orchestre National de Radio France, Orchestre Révolutionnaire & Romantique , La Capella de’Turchini.

Among his opera roles, Don Alfonso in Cosi fan Tutte, the title role of Telemann’s Orpheus, Apollo and Pastor in Monteverdi’s Orfeo, Masetto in Don Giovanni, Conte Almaviva in Nozze di Figaro, Aeneas in Purcell’s Dido & Aeneas, Gaudenzio in Rossini’s Il Signor Bruscchino.

Upcoming engagements include Don Alfonso in the creation of Bacri’s Cosi Fanciulli at Théâtre des Champs-Elylées in Paris, Mercutio in Romeo & Juliet and Comissario Imperiale in Madama Butterfly in Avignon.


