Margaret Sang
Untitled Document

Mezzo-Soprano Margaret Sang began her vocal training with the RTHK Singers, giving recorded and live broadcasts on Radio 4 and concerts in Hong Kong and Macau.  Fascinated by the Anglican choral tradition since an early age, Margaret has since become a dedicated member of St John’s Cathedral Choir, and the Evensong Choir.  Between the years 2006-2011 Margaret was secretary of The Opera Society of Hong Kong and participated in many opera productions.  Her solo concert repertory includes various mass by Haydn, Mozart and Schubert, Messiah and Solomon Handel, Membra Jesu Nostri Buxtehude, Gloria Vivaldi, and with new music Summer Snow Adrian Lam.
Aiming to promote choral education in Hong Kong, Margaret founded Die Konzertisten Charity Institute in 2011.  The Institute has organized annual festivals since 2012 and has brought to Hong Kong such distinguished musicians as Jonathan Cohen, Stephen Layton and Iestyn Davies.  From 2013 there is also the Young Talents Series providing stages for young conductors, singers and instrumentalists.  The two chamber choirs Die Konzertisten and Die Jungen Konzertisten have been invited to perform by The Hong Kong Arts Festival, RTHK and Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.  With Die Konzertisten, Margaret has toured New York and Singapore.
Margaret joined The Hong Kong Philharmonic Chorus in 2005.  One of the most memorable performances with the Chorus was with Britten’s War Requiem conducted by the late Lorin Maazel in 2013.  Last July, the Ladies of the Chorus performed Mendelssohn’s Three Motets in which Margaret sang in the trio and as alto solo.


